:: Diary - May 2018 ::

:: Sunday, May 6, 2018 ::

The packet of grub screws arrived the other day, and after I manage to select the right one, I tighten the linkage on to the front car spindle. Everything seems to be working now!

:: Thursday, May 10, 2018 ::

Today I drop the car off at the garage in Broxburn, for a non-MOT checkover. When I collect it later he says everything is fine, all is working, he's re-greased all the balljoint nipples so it's all clear!

He does point out that it will be needing rear spring shackle bushes before long, so I add that to the list.

:: Monday, May 14, 2018 ::

Today I decide the take the car to the supermarket - I've been using it, on and off for the last couple of weeks, but today, it starts running roughly as soon as I start it up. It's struggling to maintain idle, and cutting out when you try to rev it. It gets better as it warms up, so I set off, deciding to give it a run to warm it up and clear its tubes.

After about 3 miles, it stops at a set off traffic lights, and won't restart. I manage to coast it to the side of the road and up onto the grass.

First thing I notice when I open the bonnet is that both carbs and the inlet manifold are covered in fuel. Must have flooded it trying to start it earlier, although it does look like rather a lot! I mop that up with a rag and then leave it for a few more minutes to dry off.

It starts, everything seems fine so I head to the supermarket for the usual car park chats.

:: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 ::

I decide to investigate this rough idle issue. First I install brand new spark plugs.

Then I start it up, and again, it's a pain in the arse, flooding easily. I get it going though, then as I walk back round, with the engine running, I can see fuel pouring out of the rear carb and down onto the manifold... I prefer to have ignition of fuel taking place inside the engine, where it translates into "oomph" rather than "a big red fireball". Does anyone remember the episode of Wheel Dealers where Mike was driving a 57 Chevy back to the transporter and it burst into flames for exactly this reason? Same thing happened to a friend of mine with a 57 Chevy. Blistered bonnet and a melted curly-curly does not appeal to me, so I need to track this down before I use the car again...

I take the top off both carburettors - they are Stromberg 48s, the traditional 'hot rod carb" they fitted to the original moonshiner cars in the 1930s. Both float chambers seem to be at the same level, neither of them are too full. I can't see anything else wrong with the carb internals.

I think it's the float needle valves, but it's getting dark and I don't want to start losing tiny little bits if I take them apart, so it will have to wait till another day. I put away the bits I have so that I know which carb parts belong to which.

:: Sunday, May 20, 2018 ::

After a lovely day with the Porsche Club, I feel inspired to get the Chevy sorted.

I use a straight edge across the top of the float chamber to check the float level. The floats should sit parallel to the surface as the valve closes. The front one is close, the back one definitely tilts down a little. Is the valve sticking open? We'll soon see...

I disconnect the fuel feed hose, and then undo the banjo connectors on each carb, again putting them down so that I can match them up properly later.

Then I unbolt the float valves from the carburettors, taking care that bits don't drop out as I remove them. With both valves removed, I can inspect the needles which are a wee bit manky. However, when I look the through the valves, I can't see through the front one at all, while the rear one is half-blocked. I blast some carb cleaner through the valves, and also spray the needles.

With the valves back in the carb, I use a wee bit compressed air at low pressure (just what's left in the tank) to check the valves' operation by lifting the carb floats. Seem ok! Final check on the float positions with the straight edge again. Seem ok! Then I reassemble the fuel inlet system and put the tops back on the carbs, followed by the air cleaners (if there's going to be a blowback or backfire, at least the cleaners act as some form of flame arrester.

OK. Extinguisher on standby? Check! Battery reconnected? Erm, hang on a minute - check! It starts easily (more easily than it has recently), and settles down to a steady V8-burbling idle. Lovely!

I check the carburettors for leaks but they are ok. There is a very slight weep from the front edge of one of them, so I'll order new gaskets and replace those.

I suspect that all that messing around with diesel last month has dislodged all sorts of muck, which has gathered in the fuel lines. Hopefully, that's it sorted now!

I love the sound of a big V8 in the evening. It sounds like.... victory!

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